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Canine hydrotherapy & Gait assessment

Deep dive into canine hydrotherapy sessions
Enhancing Range of Motion and Strength Recovery for Dogs

Hydrotherapy for Dogs in Bangalore
Open Heart Meditation. Hand in a Mudra Gesture

Reiki Therapy

Universal energy channeled through attuned mediums to balance the ‘chi’ in us and support with our physical, mental, and emotional health.

Animal Communication

The most fulfilling moment for any pet parent is to be able to understand the needs of their fur baby at times even when it feels quite clustered. A little help goes a long way and that’s where an animal communicator chimes in to connect the dots.

Dog cute face, german shepherd adult portrait
Meadow of lavender.

Bach Flower Therapy

A flower power remedy that addresses emotional well-being of any living soul by using essences extracted from wild flowers. These essences carry energy healing that help balance ourselves better and motivate us to reflect and commit to self-work.

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Canine hydrotherapy involves the use of water to aid in the rehabilitation and conditioning of dogs. It provides a low-impact environment for exercise, helping to improve range of motion, strength, and mobility in dogs recovering from injuries or dealing with conditions like arthritis. The buoyancy of water reduces stress on joints and muscles, making it an effective therapy for dogs of all ages.

Yes, canine hydrotherapy is particularly beneficial for senior dogs. The gentle resistance of water helps decrease stiffness, alleviate joint pain, and improve overall mobility. It’s an excellent way to maintain or enhance the quality of life for aging dogs by promoting joint recovery and muscle strength without putting excessive strain on their bodies.

Canine hydrotherapy provides a controlled environment where dogs can engage in therapeutic exercises to enhance their range of motion and strength. The resistance of water against their movements helps strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and promote better joint function. Over time, consistent hydrotherapy sessions can lead to significant improvements in a dog’s overall mobility and strength recovery.

During a canine hydrotherapy session, your dog will be gently guided through various exercises in a specially designed pool or tank. A trained hydrotherapist will monitor your dog’s movements and adjust the intensity of the exercises based on their individual needs and abilities. Buoyancy aids such as life jackets or flotation devices may be used to ensure safety and comfort throughout the session.

Yes, canine hydrotherapy can be tailored to suit dogs of all fitness levels, from athletic dogs to those recovering from injuries or surgery. The intensity and duration of the sessions can be adjusted to match your dog’s current fitness level and rehabilitation goals. By harnessing the benefits of hydrotherapy in a safe and controlled manner, dogs can enjoy the therapeutic effects of water exercise without risking overexertion or burnout.

Animal communication is a telepathic conversation held with pets to understand their needs and preferences. During a session, an animal communicator connects with the pet telepathically and relays messages between the pet and their human companion based on questions shared by the pet parent.

Animal communication provides valuable insights into the needs of the pet, especially during difficult times. By understanding the pet’s perspective, pet parents can make informed decisions and create a supportive and nurturing environment that meets the pet’s physical, emotional, and psychological needs.

The insights shared by pets during communication sessions often serve as guidance for pet parents to be their better selves and cherish the journey with their furry companions. Pets may offer valuable wisdom and perspectives that enhance the human-animal bond and deepen the relationship between pet and parent.

Yes, animal communication can also involve communicating with animals that have transitioned. While the physical body may no longer be present, the spirit of the animal can still communicate with their human companion through telepathic channels. This type of communication can bring emotional relief and closure to grieving pet parents.

Animal communication sessions offer pet parents the opportunity to gain deeper understanding and insight into their fur baby’s thoughts, feelings, and needs. By bridging the communication gap between human and animal, pet parents can strengthen their bond with their pets, improve their caregiving, and provide a higher quality of life for their beloved companions.

Remote Reiki is a holistic healing modality where universal energy is channeled through attuned mediums to balance the ‘chi’ (life force energy) in both humans and animals. It works by transcending physical boundaries, allowing the practitioner to send healing energy to the recipient regardless of their location.

Remote Reiki works on a deep level to promote overall well-being by addressing imbalances in the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. It can help alleviate physical pain, reduce stress and anxiety, improve mental clarity, and enhance emotional stability, leading to a greater sense of harmony and vitality.

Yes, remote Reiki sessions can be conducted with or without physical touch. Reiki energy transcends physical touch and can be effectively transmitted remotely through intention and visualization. This makes it accessible to individuals and animals who may not be able to attend in-person sessions.

Animals play an equal role in partnering and guiding us during remote Reiki sessions. They are sensitive to energy and often intuitively respond to the healing energy being transmitted. By including animals in the healing process, both the human and animal participants can experience profound benefits and deepened connections.

During a remote Reiki session, the focus is not only on healing the individual but also on nurturing the bond between the pet parent and their animal companion. By aligning the energies of both the human and animal participants, the session aims to facilitate mutual healing and understanding, allowing them to connect on a deeper level and see each other’s true essence.

Flower essence therapy is a holistic healing modality that utilizes essences extracted from wild flowers to address emotional well-being. These essences carry the energetic imprint of the flowers and work on a subtle level to help balance emotions and support personal growth. By addressing the root cause of emotional dilemmas, flower essences motivate individuals to reflect and commit to self-work.

Flower essence therapy encourages individuals to explore their inner landscape and confront the underlying emotions and patterns contributing to their emotional dilemmas. By facilitating a deeper connection with oneself, flower essences help individuals gain clarity and insight, allowing them to address the root causes of their emotional challenges.

Flower essences can be consumed orally, applied topically, or sprayed in the environment. They are typically taken as drops diluted in water or directly under the tongue. Additionally, they can be added to skincare products or diluted in a spray bottle for easy application on the body or in living spaces.

Yes, flower essence therapy is safe for use on pets and in the environment. Since flower essences work on an energetic level, they are gentle and non-invasive, making them suitable for animals and sensitive environments. Flower essences can be beneficial for pets experiencing emotional imbalances or behavioral issues, as well as for creating a harmonious atmosphere in the home.

Flower essence therapy promotes inner alignment and clarity, enabling individuals to listen to themselves more clearly. By harmonizing the subtle energies within, flower essences support individuals in tuning into their intuition, inner wisdom, and authentic voice. This alignment fosters self-awareness, self-expression, and a deeper connection with one’s true essence.


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